9 Tips for Better Productivity
The following 9 tips can give you more opportunity to add additional activities to your day.
• Tip #1 - Focus on the Critical Few. Eighty five percent of the things you do account for only 15% of your results. And vice versa. Therefore, only work on the critical things and you'll get there faster and with less effort.
• Tip #2 - Take more free time. Relaxing is absolutely essential to your success. Just make sure you take time off at the right time, that is after you tackle your 15% top activities. Losers do the opposite, they tackle the 85% and leave the 15% out.
• Tip #3 - Re-think your to-do list. Create a 85/15 list. Write the top priority items at the top. Write the low priority items at the bottom. Throw a line between them. Only work on the top of your list.
• Tip #4 - Reward yourself for doing the right things. The Things That Get Rewarded Get Done. If you reward yourself for your best actions, you will get more of these done... almost effortlessly.
• Tip #5 - Do your Feared Things First. Take a look at your list and ask yourself "What's the activity that I fear most?" Start your day with that activity. By training yourself to do do your feared things first, you unconsciously urge yourself to tackle tougher tasks.
• Tip #6 - Don't Multitask. Having multiple tasks going on at the same time might seem productive, but in actuality it slows you down from actually focusing on a task and completing it - and it stresses you out in the meantime.
• Tip #7 - Exercise. It helps you work harder, longer, and think more clearly. It increases your health span and your life's span. When your body feels good, the work that comes after will also feel good and easier to do.
• Tip #8 - Write out your goals daily. This comes from Brian Tracy, the famous public speaker. On a daily basis, write your four major goals. Do this each morning as you start your day. Don't just read your goals aloud, but physically write them down again on paper. It magnetizes your mind to what you really want to accomplish that day.
• Tip #9 - Just say "No". Don't let other people dump their "monkeys" on you. Learning to say no to more requests helps reduce stress levels, and this can be one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself.
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Tips for Better Productivity
4:13 PM, Posted by eilrach, No Comment